Winter birdphotography tour
We discover the hidden wildlife of the frosty Hungarian steppe. Many small passerines visit my my bird feeder… along with Sparrowhawks in search of an easy meal. At my raptor hide Buzzards and Eagles gather to feed and fight. In the pine trees, Long Eared Owls shelter from the cold wind… Read more…
Great Bustard photography tour
In the spring, Great Bustard males return to their traditional courtship sites to display and impress females. Sometimes more than 100 birds can be seen around a single display site. The beggining of April is the optimum time to photograph these magnificent birds and during this period we use a special photo hide deep in the national park area to get a good view of them in the wild. During the tour we will study the Bustard’s habitats and the conservation programs that have been set-up to protect them. Read more…

Early spring birdphotography tour
April is a great time to photograph the many colourful migrant birds as they return to us for the breeding season. The birds are busy establishing terratories, and singing to attract mates. Blue throats, Bearded tits, Hoopoe, Larks, Wagtails and others are all in spring plumage during this time. We have beautiful yellow oil-seed rape fields too… Read more
Red Footed falcon photography tour
When the Red footed falcones arrive back from Africa, they start to fight for territories and nests. In spring (April and May) bird activity at our specially built tower hide is intense. In addition to the Falcons you’ll see Kestrels and Rollers busy preparing for the breeding season. And there are plenty of other other bird species around, so photographers will be busy… Read more…
Spring birdphotography tour
The spring is the most exciting season for bird photography here in Hungary. All our birds are back from their wintering areas and starting to breed, feed the chicks and guard their territories. Evrything is nice and green, the trees and bushes are in bloom and there’s bidsong all around. The birds are beuatifully colourful during this time of the year… Read more…
Summer birdphotography tour
The Hungarian summer is hot and dry. We use my hides in the early mornings untill the harsh lights and we start again in the late afternoon, when the temperature is a bit better than during the midday hours. In the midday break you can relax in the Villa, swimm in the pool or edit the pictures from the earlier photo section. Read more…

Star and Milky way photography workshop
The August is the best time to photograph the starry night sky. The weather mostly dry, so the sky is clean all night. In this area we have a few nice subjects to photograp as a frontground, like: a chapel, old well, windmill, crucifer. The light polution is very little, so everything is here for a great starphotography workshop. Read more…

Red deer rooth in Hungary phototour
It is always nice to have a nice Red deer photo in a wildlife photographer’s portfolio. There are several places, where you can take this kind of imageis, but why you dont take these during a photography workshop? In Hungary there are a few deer farms, where the animals live in a natural enviroment and we can take really nice photos. Read more…

Bears and cubs – Bear photography in Slovenia
Observing a wild bear in them natural habitat is a fantastic way to study this beautiful animals. It would be even better if you can see a bear family: watching the mom with the cubs are an unforgetable experience for eweryone. In Slovenia we offer this kind of experience for all level of photographers. During the tour we will discover the Slovenian karst and it’s wildlife. Read more…

Early winter birdphotography tour
In winter the birds easly can be photographed at the bird feeders. We start to feed them already in November, so in December, before the Christmas the birds are already active at front of my hides. This photography oportunity is made for those people, who loves to spend few days for photography before the Christmas season. Woodpeckers, buzzards, finches, sparrowhawks, long eared owls can be in front of us, so we will be busy… Read more…