Summer birdphotography tour
The Hungarian summer is hot and dry. During the day we will be working in the fields: we will start early in the morning and then continue in the late afternoon. During the midday siesta we can relax in the airconditioned rooms or go for a cooling swim in the garden swimming pool at Villa Aquila. The gardens at the Villa Aquila are green and full of beautiful flowers and butterflies at this time of the year. The hot summer forces birds to visit the cooling waters of the Great Plain, so our trips will focus on such venues. Where there is water, there are birds, so we will check out the lakes, fishponds and other places where they gather to drink. Some species are still busy with second broods, while at the drinking pools the young birds are also daily visitors.
Destination: Hungary, Kisujszallas
Date: 1-7, 8-14 June
Other dates are also available upon request
Cost of the tour: 1500 EUR/person

1st Day
We will pick you up from the airport and after a two hour drive we will arrive at your accommodation. After you have settled in, depending on your time of arrival, we will have lunch or dinner at a local restaurant. If we have time later we will take a walk around the town with our binoculars and cameras there could be a few local delights.
2nd Day
After a relaxing night we will start our photo tour in my Garden Hide, where we could see Syrian and Green Woodpeckers, Warblers, Finches, Tree Sparrows, Starlings and Doves are regular visitors around the Hide, sometimes we get Wrynecks also.
After our midday break we will visit the neighbouring rice fields here we can see Sedge Warblers and Savi’s Warblers. At the rice fields we can also spot many breeds of Geese, there will also be Purple, Night and Grey Heron, there will also be Egrets and Spoonbills

3rd Day
At dawn we will visit one of the Bee – Eater colonies here we can take pictures of the birds in the rays of the early morning sunrise. Next we will have the opportunity to take pictures of the Little Bittern.
After a short midday break we will visit Hungary’s second biggest lake, here we will have a boat trip taking pictures of the following birds: Night, Squacco and Grey Heron also Great Crested Grebe, Whiskered Tern and many other wonderful birds.
4th Day
At dawn we will visit my Tower Hide constructed for Red – Footed Falcon photography. We can take pictures of the birds in the early morning rays of the sunrise, the parents will be feeding the young birds. Here we can also see Lesser Grey Shrikes, Kestrels and Jackdaws.
After lunch we will visit the Woodland Hide, here we can take pictures of different Woodpeckers, Sparrowhawks and many other wonderful woodland birds.

5th Day
After a relaxing night we will start our day in the Tower Hide, here we will have good photography opportunities. We can photograph Rollers, Little Owls here, if we are lucky we will also take pictures of Hoopoe, Golden Oriole and Jackdaws.
After a midday siesta we will drive around the surrounding area in a jeep safari. From the jeep we can pictures of Roe Deer, Brown Hare, Red Backed Shrike, Corn Buntings and many other birds and wildlife in this beautiful habitat.
6th Day
This morning we will visit an area where we will see Hoopoe bringing food to the nesting place for their second broad, this is a wonderful time for photographers take pictures of these beautiful birds, sometimes around the nest area we may also see the first brood birds making the day even more interesting.
During the afternoon we will visit my Drinking Pool Hide where Nightingale, Syrian Woodpecker, Song Thrush and different Warblers and Finches come to drink and have a bath.

7th Day
If we have enough time before leaving for the airport we will drive around the neighbouring fields for Yellow Wagtail, Corn Bunting and many other small songbirds.
At the end of our Summer Photography Tour we will hopefully have taken some brilliant pictures of some wonderful birds and wildlife including Red – Footed Falcon, Kestrel, Syrian and Green Woodpeckers, Roller, Hoopoe, Purple and Squacco Heron, Bee – Eaters, Whiskered Tern and so many more wonderful birds and mammals in beautiful habitat making the trip worthwhile.
We can recommend this tour to anybody interested in wildlife photography. During our tour we will mainly use hides but sometimes we will work in the fields. We would ask you to bring swimming gear, because after the daily photography tours you can relax and have a refreshing swim in the Villa garden swimming pool. We will promise you an interesting few days of wildlife photography in a country with beautiful habitats and wonderful wildlife.