„In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.”

John Muir

On this page I would like to show you some of those species which can be photographed during your stay with us. Of course this list is only a short selection, but probably these species can be the highlights during the phototours what we organise. I try to give you an idea when they are here and can be photographed with a best chance.

Green woodpecker

The best time to photograph this beautiful bird is the period between 15th April and 31st July. They are here in Hungary all year long. We can photograph them at the drinking pools: the Garden, the Farmyard and the Woodland hides are places where we can meet with this species and we can photograph them.


We can see Kestrels all year long in Hungary, but if we awant to photograph them we have to use my Red footed falcon hide. They arrive to this place in the beggining of April and they will stay until 10th July. Most of the years we have breeding pair of kestrels in front of the hide just next to the Red footed falcons


The Rollers will arrive back from the wintering area to Hungary in the Beggining of May. At my Roller hide and at the Red footed falcon hide we can see and photograph them until 10th July. At my Roller hide they breed so we can obserw them from the meating season until when the babies fledge the nestbox.

Squacco heron

Probably the most beautiful heron in Hungary. We can photograph them on the ricefields or during our boat trip on the Lake Tisza. The best time to observe them is the June-July, but there are still many in August too.

White tailed eagle

I have two hides where we can photograph this species. The Raptor hide is prepered for eagle photography. The White tailed eagles visit the feeding station from December until middle of February. At the Buzzard hide if you are lucky you can photograph this species too.

Imperial eagle

The most atractive birds of prey around my hides. We can photograph them from December until end of February from my Raptor hide. Sometimes 5-7 birds are in front of you. During the Spring-Summer tours we can meet with these birds too, but photographing them the winter is the best time.

Roe deer

The most common deer in our area. We can photograph them almost ewerywhere. During our jeep safari we can find them on the fields. Probably the best time for photographing Roe deer here in Hungary is the winter and the spring. During the summer tours time to time we find deer with fawn.

Brown hare

In this area, where we work we can find brown hares almost ewerywhere. During the safari drives most of the time we see any of them. At my garden hide sometimes they come to drink a bit. We can photograph them all year long.


This lovely bird arrives in April to our area and from that time we can hear them interesting sound in our forests. We can photograph them at my woodland and my garden hide, where they come to drink. If we are lucky they will sing in front of us also.


The largest finch species in Hungary. Beautiful birds. They have lovely colors and a huge beak. The best time for photographing them is the March and April but around the drinking pools they are daily visitors until September. In winter they come down to the feeders regulary.

Red-footed Falcon

These lovely birds come back from Africa in end of April. The meating season starts cca at 25 April and in the first 3 weeks in May they still active around the nests. They are aroun the hide until 10th July. The most active time in front of my hide is the meating season but during the breeding season they are active and give us a really good opportunities to photograph them.


These lovely birds breed on the ricefields in good number. They arrive back from Africa in April. We can find them quite easly but you need knowledge on how you can photograph them, which territory is the best and which bird is the most photogenic one.


At my Garden hide the Sparrowhawk is a daily visitor during the winter. They hunt for small birds around the feeder so time to time they are show up and stay ther. The other place where you can photograph them is the Woodland hide, where they visit the drinking pool during the dry sommer season.


We can hear them all around the places where we work, but there are only a few places where they are regulary. I know a special place where the cuckoo will posing for you in front of your camera. We use here a tent hide.


They breed in colonies around the sandbanks. I know a colony where cca 30 pair of Bee-eaters are together. We can photograph them without any disturbance. They arrive back from Afrika in the beggining of May and stay at the breeding places until August.

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